‘ah….’ Gilbert said with his mouth wide
‘i mean….you are back from the states?
When did you come?’ Gilbert asked.
‘wow! Gilbert, i never thought for once
that i’d ever see you again, i swear!’
Stella said as she moved closer.
‘i too’ Gilbert said.
‘i thought you married again’ Stella
‘i did, but we divorced’ Gilbert said.
‘so how have you been Stella?’
‘i’ve been fine’
Gilbert looked at her fingers.
‘you arent married?’ he asked.
Stella looked at her toes.
I havent. But on the verge of’ she said.
‘really? And who is this lucky guy?’
Gilbert said.
‘what makes you think he is lucky?’
Stella asked.
‘you would make a good wife. I mean,
you’ve always made a good wife. I still
dont know the reason i let you go’
Gilbert said.
‘whatever! But i’m sure you found love
again. Its been years’ Stella said.
‘yeah, i did find love again but its a
difficult one but not to worry, i’ve got
everything under control’ Gilbert said.
‘okay dude, see you some other time’
Stella said turning her back to leave but
Gilbert held her hand and gently
dragged her back.
‘lets chat a little more now’ Gilbert said.
‘Gilbert, you are still the same dude from
before’ Stella said and laughed.
‘you mean the good husband i was?’
‘were you ever a good husband?’
‘i was. It was just that since we were
forced into the marriage at an early age,
we couldnt find love with one another.
Thats why when you chose to file for a
divorce, i didnt arhue with you’ Gilbert
‘you are kind of right Gilbert. Its the fault
of our parents that we are no longer
together’ Stella said.
‘its alright. We were forced werent we?
But i missed you’
‘i missed the s-x we used to have. After
the divorce, i became starved and i
started sleeping with anything with a
tail in between the legs’ Stella said and
shook her head.
‘i know you. You are a w—e’ Gilbert said
‘so who is this guy that you are
currently dating?’ Gilbert asked as if on
a mission to find out.
‘Tony Brown’
‘you are kidding me right?’ Gilbert asked
not sure of himself.
Stella brought out her phone and
showed him different pics of she and
‘what?! I cant believe this, its like a
nightmare. Tony is currently dating his
secretary, the woman i love’ Gilbert said,
he didnt even know he did, s–t!
‘its the truth. That guy wasnt genuine all
this while and i have wasted time. I
should have told Alice all about this in
the beginning’ Gilbert said, almost to
‘Alice?’ Stella asked.
Yes, she remembered that name. Tony
had called the lady that was his
secretary Alice. He was dating her? No
wonder the so called Alice was grinning
when Tony asked her never to let her
into his office again. No wonder he had
refused to listen to her ever since, he
had found a new love. Geez!
‘Alice is stealing my man?! Never!’ she
found herself saying.
An idea cropped into his head. Yes, he
will show Tony. He began to believe that
God was on his side. No wonder he felt
like going to the grocery that day and
he told Abby not to bother.
It was all to meet Stella! Thank fate. Fate
was on his side. To make Tony pay for
taking Alice away from him.
‘lets fight for our love Stella’ he said.
‘of course, i must fight for Tony. I wont
loose him just like that and that harlot,
Alice, must pay!’ Stella said.
‘dont forget she is my love and i wont
tolerate you calling her names’
‘thats why you should tell her to hands
off my man!’
‘how can i even tell her that? Look, you
want Tony, and i want Alice, lets fight
for them. Lets put heads together and
do something’ Gilbert said.
‘you are correct! Lets put heads
together and plan something because i
wont let Tony slip away’
‘neither will i let Alice slip away’ Gilbert
What happened when Alice and Tony
walked in almost immediately, chatting
like lovebirds. Find out!
To be continued

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