Gilbert drove to a bar opposite no.5
Michael Ossai avenue, where Amy
resided. He packed his car a little
distance from the bar, before he went
in there and ordered a chilled bottle of
star with his eyes focused on the
building opposit him.
In not less than 10mins, he saw a black
toyota camry horn in front of the gate.
The gate soon spread open and she
drove in.
Gilbert smiled to himself, called the
attention of the waiter, paid the bills
and left the bar
Immediately she pressed the buttons,
3321, she suitcase came open
immediately. A black cellophane
appeared, Kofo used her fingers and
tossed it aside, revealing……something
(s) shocking.
Kofo gasped for breath and so did
‘what the heck is this!!!’ Kofo nearly
‘Jesus Christ!!! What is all this?’ Alice
asked pouring the shocking contents
on the floor.
Different human body parts, both male
and female scattered on the floor,
surprisingly, blood was flowing!!!
‘what is this!!!! Ah!!’ Kofo didnt know if
she should shout or not, whether she
should collapse or not, but she knew
that if she ever collapsed, she might just
go from there.
Alice used her left leg and shifted the
suitcase a little further in horror.
‘take that thing back!!!’ Kofo fired
puching it with her leg towards
Angela’s direction who screamed and
pushed it backwards.
‘wait!!!’ Alice suddenly screamed,
something got her attention, she stood
up and moved closer to the suitcase and
picked a photo pinned to the black
cellophane in the suitcase with a red
and a huge nail.
‘Benjamin’s photo?!’ she nearly

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