Tolu: but what????? You hate her and I suggested we shouldn’t accept her at onset oooooo

Me: not what you thinking but I just don’t like how she use to dress, walk, talk, and make-up……..you know it will be so embarrassing to us if she present herself like this to our visitor…..like serious she is so irritating

Tolu: is that all?????

Me: yes now…@meanwhile I’m doing all that just to blindfolded tolu toward the truth affection I have for the girl….

Tolu::: ok don’t worry I will find something to do about that

Me: what do you intend to do????

Tolu: leave that to me, it’s female things……..

Me: ok oooooooo

We ended on that and I could see many changes in amoke after 5months…..tolu began to change amoke to my taste, after a year amoke had fully blended to the lesson she received from tolu….amoke was damn tushed and sexy….she wore relevant dresses suited to any occasion, she wore jeans trouser or any skimpy trouser throughout the day, sometimes sexy skimpy gown, and when in the kitchen she wore mini-skirt or sometimes bombshot……like seriously sometimes I saw amoke in bombshot or mini-skirt I almost got mad because she was damn beautiful and curvy, she had also blend to make-up artistics aspect as well……she was now a very sexy maid that I couldn’t wait to feel her assets…………..how will I go about it?????what should I do??????? When should I start??????how do I start????????? Where should I start??????????? I hope she accept.

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