“They will always applaud a white Doctor who took over 24 hours to turn a man into woman but will overlook a black woman that can turn you into a lizard within 3 sec” Oya tell me when Racism will stop”
Pa! I heard a snap of the switch on the wall. Immediately everywhere was bright and I could see the environment we were clearly. We were up to 15 in the room, all tied one by one. Some were still sleeping while a few others was awake. I looked up to see the face of the two men that came in earlier. I looked at the man with the key and the other and like a flash I recognized him. He was the man that brought us here. He is still on the suit he was putting on and immediately he pointed to our direction, pointing to Godwin and I. Immediately Godwin saw him, he was filled with rage. If there is something I have learnt from Godwin just for the few months we’ve been together, I noticed whenever he is getting angry, he breathes faster than usual and he can do anything. I could remember a particular incident that happened on a particular evening we came back from school.
#Flash back#
We were very hungry and we had to manage the kerosene we had left in the stove to prepare some hungry man size noodles. On a good day, we cook 3 packs but that particular day was different. I wanted to cook just 4 packs but Goddy insisted we make it 6. You wan do birthday? I asked? Guy, I dey hungry pass you. As I dey so, I fit chop everything sef. I followed what he said and I went ahead to prepare the noodles while we both went back to our room to watch the sport show anchored by Ayo Ademokoya. Mehn, that guy is good. I really love his analysis and ever since I listen to his radio programme, I didn’t miss his programme again. His programme made us forget we had something on the stove. OBS, our noodles! Goddy screamed. We both ran like Usian bolt to the kitchen to meet the shock of our lives. Our pot is nowhere to be found!

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