Not quite long, a cake and a cup of tea was being served by the plane attendants. When they got to my row I ignore the cake and the juice, at least hoping that they might bring it back or probably serve something more meaningful because as at that moment, I was hungry. I was perceiving an aroma of fried egg towards the back which I think was the kitchen that gave me a slight hope of eating something. Am sure Ugo would have perceived that aroma too because records has it that among the fantastic four, that is 4 of us back then in Ibadan, Ugo had the best nose. Not that he had a long nose but his nose can smell anything smellable even from a distance. Ugo can tell you how many fish is inside a sardine even without opening it, that how good he is. Back to the matter, I noticed I was sitting beside a young woman who was busy reading a novel by Michael Cornell “the poet”. When I had nothing to do, I had to join her in reading. After reading for a while, we got talking and from our discussion, I learnt that she lives in Jos.
We kept talking and she had to leave the novel with me which I read to the next chapter. I was feeling a slight headache and looked through the window and all I can see was cloud and vast of lands. I returned the book and few minute after, the tires of the plane wheeled out. It was then I knew we are closer to the Jos airport. That reminds me, what will happen to the fried eggs I perceiving the aroma some minute ago? This is cheating mehn. An announcement was made that the plane was about to land. At 2:30pm, the plane landed successfully and everyone was getting down one by one. From my calculation of the duration of the flight, just as they had speculated it. It just for 1hour, 30minutes. After getting to the arrival’s lounge, we stayed for over 30minutes for our bags to arrive. After waiting, all the bags that was in the aircraft was brought out and it surprised us that not all the passengers got their bags. An announcement was later made that not all the bags arrived with us; now all hell was loose. Only few passengers was fortunate to get their bags while majority of them didn’t get theirs. Unfortunately, Ugo’s bags and mine were not among the few bags that arrived while Bibie got all her two bags. Among the passengers that didn’t get their bags was a very frustrated soldier.