…..Chai see danger……..see red eyes………..see how fine girl dey cry for public……….come see how every damn areas on her face carried red paints for front…………..i felt so pity for seyi as our eyes met…….she looked straight into my eyes without blinking for like 20seconds before she sway it away to another direction dancing awilo……..her eyes switch from awilo dance and jumb to ……shakiti bobo after it has been tired of shoki, alingo, woju etc……………………..i was lost on my sit for unknown time…………………..fausa shouted my name in a brave tone which I came back active…”Allaaaaabbi” .’honey what’s the matter?’ she asked. nothing dear, i just remember some assignment i need to do before tomorrow “I defended…….baby..’Please no play play tonight when we get home oooooooooooo’…………i added………………..lol, you are notserious lazy boy…..she commented…fausa was trying to feed me with rice which I mustn’t reject for no reason,……………………thank God she doesn’t look back ….but at that moment i wasn’t geting myself again…..i was just giggling at seyi. She hardly ate 1quarter of the food she bought…………after 5mins, she stood up and left the place…………I guessed she did so when she couldn’t bear it any longer…….i was just doing my thing at that moment stylishly………….we finished eating and we left for home……….when we got to the gate…fausa excuse herself to get her change from mama lola (chemist)……………..and she said i should be going inside, she will join me soon………………..i accepted, but by the time i reached the gate to our house, about to turn the handle….i remembered the milk inside the fridge was finished and we will surely need another one today and against tomorrow.because we have sex almost every hour in the house…..and I was very sure the promised she made at the eatery was fake, wether I want it or not, we will surely have atleast 2rounds of hardfuck tonight……..i turned back, headed to mama lola’s shop to inform fausa about the milk………on getting there i caught them discussing about a particular. drug……
mama lola: didn’t i tell you about how powerful the drug is?????? You think I was just sugar mouth coating
fausa: infact if not because of you, may be na dat day my husband go go high court because of me………………..
Mama lola: lol (laugh) next time, get the drug plenty in your pulse……….
fausa: ok i will like to………
She haven’t ended her statement while she gave it up immediately she felt my presence…then i cut in……………”darling, we will also need milk, the one in the fridge has finished…………….