….helo dear, why did you locked the door now? ‘afterall its a private bathroom for husband and wife and not a public bathroom for a general buddies’………open jur… she commanded…………………i opened the door, she got in and she joined me in showering…………….i switched from standing shower to jaccuzi at the corner in the room immediately i noticed a tickened and hard on fausa’s nipples………..shown clearly that she is ‘on’ again……………. I felt so weak………..haaaaaa temi bami (am doomed) i said within myself…………………….she followed me enter the jaccuzi and she held my prick………nooooooo fausa i may die if i go another round pleasesssssssss…..we need to suppressed this tonight, we have went for 7rounds before..pleasesssss ..i begged……………………..please baeby……i need this more,,,,if u reject to give it to me tonight i may die. She replied……………….we went for another round inside the Jacuzzi again…………..we got up, went inside, and while on bed, she was just moaning in pleasure like someone fucking from back without me touching her…..i looked to her and asked ‘what is it?’ she said she still need it…..haaaaaaaaaaa ‘need what?’ I said……….she started rubbing my chest, holding my hands and when coming down to my prick i stoped her……………………… ok baby….wait i got an idea…….am coming….. I went to the walldrope and brought out a manual dido she bought on our 2nd outing…..i inserted it into her aleady opened pussy…she moarn heavily, i jacked the dido in and out heavily and mercilessly and at the same time my second hand was working on her nipples squeezing and robbing her flaunting boobs………she moans, shout and cried out loud like someone torturing in police custody……we did it for another 15minutes before she finally cum and got tired………i was happy atleast she got tired…………she closed hee eyes thereafter and slept immediately…………i slept beside her and started disturbing my brain……………what is happening??????? Am I dreaming???? How could someone that sick been a sex master tonight like this?????????? i can vividly remember she claimed to be damn tired and weak when she entered this house the first time, but where did she got the extra power from???????????? I Was on this thought for over 20mins ……..when i couldn’t withstand it anymore. i need someone to get rid of the thought off me………i picked up my phone to dial seye’s number inorder to tell him to come online on bbm…………i dialed his number for 8times not picking up…..i guesed he might have gone too far asleep……………….i opened my bbm and i saw a naughty pic that shocked me.
I saw this half naked dressing suzzy using as her dp… It was then i confirmed that suzzy is a sex machine that can be control down with money anytime any moment u are hurny…….i just wana comment to say bad thing to condemn the picture when i noticed she was online……………we started chatting all over again and i forgot about everything that had happened…….we chatted for another 30minutes while i collected her cell digits….i off my phone and I slept………