Nike: Doctor please let go in and treat the
D.P.O: No need
Nike: Don’t mind him jare
Police: Oga please let the doctor treat you.
We walked back into hospital, Doctor,D.P.O
and Nike walked into one ward where D.P.O
was attended to
Me: ***Facing the police who held my
trouser*** Oga police take it easy with me
Police: Are you crazy, i will slap your face
Me: What’s my offence, afterall i wasn’t
D.P.O’s Daughter boyfriend, so what’s my
own abeg free my trouser and let me waka
Police: You be mumu of highest order, i
should release you and let you go, you want
to put me in trouble
Me: ***Talking to him like my friend*** Oga
you can help me on this, i will give you 5k,
let me go please
Police: You must be high on weed, you will
me how much?
Me: 5k
Police: So after collecting 5k, from you i
would be sack and the 5k you offered me is
what i will be spending till the end of my
life? If i give you hot hot blow you will not
wake after 23days
Me: What do you want me to do please
Police: Tell me all what you know about this
saga ***he brought out one small recording
Me: I know nothing brother
Police: Who is that guy to you?
Me: Which guy?
Police: The guy who run away
Me: He’s my friend
Police: He’s a cultist right?
Me.: Why asking such question
Police: Didn’t you see how he handled gun
Me: He’s not a cultist he only watched it on
Tv, i
don’t know where he got the skill from
Police: But this is not first time of him to
carry gun?
Me: Don’t know *** D.P.O Nike, and doctor
walked on us that moment brought our
conversation to an end, small plaster was on
his face***
D.P.O: ***Faced Doctor*** Actually we
haven’t done what we came here for before
my daughter sighted that stupid boy
Doctor: The patient they brought here last
D.P.O: Yes my daughter insist that we must
see her, she said she might be my missing
daughter let check her ward
Nike: Dad you should mark my word you will
see that the person we are talking about is
no other person than my sister
Doctor: Let go to her ward then
***They are about to head to her ward
when the police team (The team that run
after cnn) showed up with their heart
faster, the sorrow on their faces suggested
they missed their target***
D.P.O: *** with full smile and calm tone***
Weldone guys and thank you for wonderful
job, where is he or you have kept him at the
back of the van
Police: (Sergeant Bukola was the team leader
and he was the one talking on behalf of his
team members) ***with shaking voice***
Sir we tried all our possible best but we lost
him, it’s obvious he’s living around this area
sir, he know every loungu (Loungu means
corner in hausa language) we loss him sir
D.P.O: ***With Apopletic in his voice*** You
did what?
Sgt. Bukola: We couldn’t get him sir
D.P.O: And you’re here in front of me, don’t
you know what you suppose to do, you
suppose to lost with him
Me: *** Finally! Finally!! Finally!!! Cnn
escaped leaving me all alone to face the
music, leaving me all alone to suffer,
whereas i don’t know when he was fu–king
her, tear flow down my cheek***
Sgt. Bukola: with due respect sir, we should
have used violent hand on him but you
denied sir, let assume you agree with us to
shoot him at leg we should have not lost
him but you said you want him alive
D.P.O: You’re blaming me right?
Sgt. Bukola: No sir but when aegis were
pursuing him,they had opportunity to fire
at him but when i i remembered you
to spare his life i warned my men against it
D.P.O: stop saying nonsense, are you not
here when he injured me.
, are you not here when he threw gun at my
face, i see ,i now understand that boy had
bribed you, you have collected money from
him and set him free, just because you want
to takeover my position in office, no
problem i know what to do to you guys
Sgt. Bukola: We didn’t set anybody free,no
collected penny from him
D.P.O: No problem, i will get back at the silly
Nike: Take it easy dad
D.P.O: Don’t worry my dear, i will let the
stupid boy know who I am, i will teach him
the kind of lesson he will never forget in his
Sgt. Bukola: What next to do now sir?
D.P.O: Why asking me?
Sgt. Bukola: Because you have assigned
yourself to be incharge of this case sir, and
nothing can be done without your
knowledge sir, what you say is the final say
D.P.O: ***Faced me with lion eye*** You silly
boy see how vital your insensitive friend
wounded me, i will teach you a lesson, i will
let you know that God is not from Nigeria,
you will serve as scapegoat, i will let you
suffer, you will regret your friend’s action
***He landed me hot slap***
Sgt. Bukola: Shut up your mouth
Nike: Daddy you have just been beating this
young man since, he’s not my sister’s
boyfriend, i don’t even know him please let
him be and let us check the ward we are to
Doctor: You should take it easy with this boy
sir, we are yet to confirm him as the
criminal, let check the ward first
Nike: Yes we should check the ward first
D.P.O: Whether he’s criminal or not, i will not
let him go don’t you see how his friend hurt
me, if i deal with him so hard, he will tell me
where his friend is
Nike: Let Check the ward dad
D.P.O: ***Faced sgt. Bukola*** handcuff him,
put him at the back of the van
Me: *** I was cuffed and led to where police
van was parked outside, a lot of
thought began running through my
“This is how am going to spend the rest of
my life in jail because of my ignorance”
“Where is cnn now, where is jameelah?”
“Dupe is also in police cell”
“Why always me oh Lord?”
I wept as i was put roughly at the back of
police van, i barely settled down at the back
of the van when i heard a familiar voice
screamed from afar “STOP! STOP!! STOP!!!”
I looked outside and saw Madam Hadiza
coming down from her car, i heave a sigh of
To be continued