(At the same time, cnn is seen coming down
from the bus, their bus just reached Ibilo
(Edo state) he came down and headed to
one restaurant to fill his tommy, he sat on
one empty chair and order for what to
“Dine” he brought out his phone and dialed
a number, the receiver accepted the call
immediately he saw the call “Hello” the
person at the other end of the line said to
Cnn: Pm boss *** He is talking to his cousin
(Ade) who reside in abuja***
Ade: Cnn cnn how far nah?
Cnn: I dey o
Ade: Where you dey?
Cnn: ***Looking at sign post at the out of
the restaurant*** Guy i dey Ibilo o
Ade: ***surprised*** Ibilo, wetin you dey
do for ibilo
Cnn: I dey come to abuja
Ade: You say wetin
Cnn: I say i dey come to abuja
Ade: Na company wey you dey follow work
dey send you come?
Cnn: No oo
Ade: Where una dey go for abuja
Cnn: I dey come stay with you
Ade: Why you go dey come stay with me
without telling me before
Cnn: Na long story brother
Ade: Say wetin happen
Cnn: I no fit follow you talk wetin i do with
you here, when i reach your side i go tell
you everything
Ade: What if i tell you say i no dey around
Cnn: Abeg no do that
Ade: The crime you committed na murder?
Cnn: Something like that, if anybody call you
from home tell them say you no know
where i dey o, because i no tell anybody that
i dey come abuja o
Ade: If to say you no be my brother, i for
not allow you in my house
Cnn: Thank you brother, sebi abuja no far
from here again?
Ade: Sebi na ibilo una dey?
Cnn: Yes
Ade: E still far o, but not too much sha, after
that “ibilo” you go reach “Okene” after
okene na “Lokoja” after lokoja na hin you go
reach abuja
Cnn: Still far o, where i go come meet you?
Ade: Where you wan drop?
Cnn: The driver said na Kaduna him dey go
Ade: You go drop for zuba be that
Cnn: Ok
Ade: You go see motor wey dey go barger
from zuba, when you reach barger, you go
carry another motor to life camp drop at the
front of skye bank life camp call me, i go
come and pick you
Cnn: Thank you bro
Ade: You’re welcome
Cnn: Bye ***He hung up***
He finished his meal and walked back to his
seat at the back of bus, the driver brought
engine back to live and zommed off, in the
next 3 to 4 hours they would be in abuja
Dupe is also seen at the back of cell
tear, she hated herself that moment, she had
been regretting working with madam
Hadiza, she cursed the day she met her, and
also she has been waiting for pesman for
long time ago, but there is no sign of him,
she has been waiting for arrival of her boss
(Madam Hadiza) maybe if she pleaded her
she might forgive and set her free,
her boss was with her in station before she
called someone on phone (pesman) after
she ended the call she entered her car and
drove off without telling anyone where
she’s heading to, When she (Dupe) cannot
endure it again she called the officer Mic to
call pesman for the third time, the officer
was so furious as pesman didn’t pick the
call till forth rang
(Back to pesman in madam Hadiza’s sitting
Madam Hadiza walked in with cute smile on
her face, she sat beside me on the couch
and placed her left hand on my shoulder
“welcome home pesman” she said to me.
Me: Thank you peslady
Madam Hadiza: How are you doing
Me: As you can see am fine, just that i need
to rest, i have sleepless night at the hospital
Madam Hadiza: Its true but we need to talk,
can we?
Me: Let go to your room, here isn’t safe
Madam Hadiza: Why?
Me: Your maid might be hearing our
conversation, i believe what you want to
discuss with me should be in private
Madam Hadiza: Is that what you want?
Me: Yes, am not feeling comfortable here
Madam Hadiza: Ok, let’s go ***She stood up
and i followed her from behind*** here we
are in my room ***sitting down on bed***
Me: Nice room you gat ***Sitting beside
her*** Ask whatever you want to know
about my encounter with police
Madam Hadiza: We are not here because of
that, i don’t even want to know the crime
you committed, what i want to discuss with
you is something that can bring progress
into our lives
Me: Ok love am listening
Madam Hadiza: You know i discussed
something with my lawyer back in sitting
room ***Reaching for my hand and caress
it*** i want to build big filling station in this
town, i want to invest oil business
Me: Its good idea and i love it as well, but
you just open a big supermarket not too
Madam Hadiza: Yes, i need more money, i
want to prove my late husband wrong
Me: What is the arrangement now?
Madam Hadiza: Me and you with the lawyer
check out the land i found tomorrow or
next, immediately i collect C of O work will
start there, my lawyer will also register it for
Me: I wish you success dear
Madam Hadiza: ***Kissing my hand*** I
love you
Me: Love you too
Madam Hadiza: You’re spending night here?
Me: Maybe
Madam Hadiza: Why maybe? Don’t forget
your promise in station
Me: That remain me, what about your sale
girl at the police station
Madam Hadiza: That bitch will rot in jail, she
don’t want to confess
Me: Do you believe that innocent looking girl
can do something like that?
Madam Hadiza: Don’t trust anybody pesman,
even your shadow leaves you in darkness
Me: But that girl is too gentle to do such
Madam Hadiza: You want to support her
Me: Not really but i want you to have mercy
on her, let assume she’s your daughter i
believe you will not kill her because she
lost your money, and this is not the first time
you sending her to bank, i want you to
know that, that’s how Almighty Allah want it,
don’t forget you’re a Muslim let emulate
rosululahi (S.W.A) we have to learn how to
forgive and forget
Madam Hadiza: *** With coloured eye and
raised voice*** Tell me pesman what’s
going on between two of you? Tell me you
have something in common with her hun?
Who is she to you
Me: ***Madam Hadiza is mad at me, this is
the first time of her raising voice on me, my
phone rang that moment, i looked at
madam hadiza before picking the call
because the caller was Dupe***
Madam Hadiza: She is calling you right, who
is that girl to you pesman
Haaaaaa pesman you’re a goonner
To be continued