Back to my thought, chai mogbe, 30minutes remaining for me to face the panel………..how can I go about this.???? I picked up my phone to dial seye’s number…..the call was forwarded to him for good 6times and not responding…….chai why is it
every time I need this guy urgently, that I won’t get through with him?????? “Can’t you think on your own??????—-my mind
mocked me” …………”When I couldn’t brought up a genuine idea nko?????—-i replied my mind…………I was on this play ground when another idea flew onto me……”I think I should
put a call to temi my brainy daughter, hope she can be of help……………….”Are you insane??? Do you know what you are
saying????? Seeking an idea from your adopted daughter that is damn close to amoke, what will you tell her that happened gan??????? (My mind throw way the question)………….temi bami bai………..hope amoke won’t find out everything and have
back all her belongings???????? Should I give a call to femi may be he can have one or two ideas…………..I was about to
dial his number when my mind smug me with a question “are you out of your mind???? A guy that is your daughter’s fiance, don’t you think he will pass everything you discuss with him to
temi and will serve as a passage to amoke…….” I later brought up a genuine idea…………………………………
I heed to the hefty idea my mind brought to me and made used of it………………….after about 40minutes amoke came back to
the bedroom….she saw me still sleeping, I heard her saying
“why this man still sleeping by this time of the day???????????? How is it going to take his dinner beside lunch he hasn’t taken?????????, let me wake him up…………”
She never knew I just pretended and heard everything she was saying, she called me by name and I pretended not to answer,
never knew my pretence will fuck things up………………………………………………
She was about to tap me at the hand beside where my phone rested………..my phone began to ring and she picked it up……….she picked the call and after I heard her said “hello” I
saw her holding the phone and started looking at the screen, it seems the caller ended the call immediately the voice that received the call was female’s voice, before amoke would drop back the phone……a text entered….she read the text and
she was just meditating on what she just read, she didn’t get
herself right again, and she took my phone out of the
“Yeeeeee I’m doomed”
“What does this woman read?????”
“Who sent a message??”
“What kind of message was it????”
What changed amoke’s mood from the message she read?????”
“Was it from suzzie?????”
“It can never be”
“Why on earth is she going to text me when she knows I’m a married man???”
“What the hell would she sent???”
“Afterall we have talked on phone not quiet long, so what else????”
“I’m very sure it can never be from suzzie”
“Who else???”
“Was it from fausa?????”
“How on earth could it be fausa?????”
“One who I have deleted her number and everything about her from my life, so it can’t be fausa”
“Heeeeeeeeee God, what is happening????? Hope I haven’t ruin my marital home because of an ordinary whore woman???????”
“Hope this won’t send me back to my square one being??????” “May God no let amoke do what I’m thinking to me ooooooooo, haaaaaaa where to start from??????I have resigned from my own employed work because of amoke’s companies inorder to manage it weller……….”
“What can I do oooohhhhh Lord?????”
“What can I say to her now????? She has already heard from a nurse that I was attacked by the OPC, what came between
OPC and I????? What kind of melody can we dance to this drum?????????”
I began to sweat and shivering, shaking on bed as if we were in harmatan season…………after 10minutes, amoke came back to the room……..
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