What will be they say will always be. How it will be is what we don’t know. To think Funmi is Daddy Orire’s daughter whom I’ve always wanted to meet is something, as fate, parent, love and what have you was always pitching us together. The circumstances at which we met, our separation, our challenges and our differences only form a part of the sweet journey we are about starting soon. All I pray for is to get my leg back. I want to be on my feet again, I believe if i could walk, all other things will be settled.
Horses will have a smooth ride in the mind of my mum and Daddy Orire at this discovery, as they both show their happiness while laughing about how they had planned to indirectly forced us to marry each other. The question was, would I still have like Funmi if we met as a virtue of our parent’s match-making us? I honestly don’t know the answer to that but I think this is a match made from heaven.
Funmi : But Dad, where did you get the name Orire from?
Orire: It was a nickname given to me by my best friend Ben, when he was starting the company. He claimed I helped him a lot and that means”good fortune” (Orire) to him. We decided ill be using that name here so that the workers here won’t know I’m one of the shareholders .
Me: It would have been obvious because your name is part of the company’s trademark.
Orire: Yeah, Ben insisted he wanted my name to appear on the company’s name, which is why he put it there. Not that I have up to half of the shares, he virtually owns everything, he only gave me the shares I have so I could work for the company, he never wanted me to leave him.
Funmi: Wao! So uncle Ben is the friend you always talk about.
Orire: More than friend, more like brothers. We are closer than Yemi and Temiloluwa
Mum: I doubt the that
Orire: You think they are closer than we do?
Mum: Temiloluwa and Opeyemi has been friends even before they could pronounce each other’s name. They were only separated for like a year throughout their life so far
Temmy: Plus four months. (we all Laughed) He went into coma without me
Me: I beg don’t do your own o(we all laughed again)
Funmi: Honestly my first dear about Will was Temmy
Temmy: Testimony time, when did I become fear?
Funmi: To say the truth, I’m always jealous of him. It’s like I’m competing with Temmy.
Rachael: That makes us two, they were too close I used to think whatever Temmy says is a product of their agreement.
Orire: As, okay I give up (we all laughed)
Aramide: Temmy is Will’s real twin, I’m just the biological one.
Me: Even you?
Aramide: I feel jealous about them too
Dan: Seems I’m going to join this gang
Joy: We were supposed to take only Will for NYSC but he won’t stay until we took Temmy too. I think twice before buying things for Will, because he’ll surely ask for Temmy’s own, I’ll be like, what? You guys ain’t kid anymore (we all laughed)
Orire: Guess they are indeed twin, it’s good to have somebody of same mind to walk with in life. Friends are important to us. Some are closer than a brother can be. God bless you kids.
Me: Amen sir, have you met Aramide? My twin sister
Orire: Another friend?
Me: My real twin sister
Orire: You are a twin? Nobody ever told me that, not even Ben
Joy: He doesn’t know too, he got to know on their birthday. The confusion and disbelief was what led to everything that happened.
Orire: Wao! How are you dear?
Aramide: I’m fine sir
Orire: And Ben is saying he doesn’t have children, he has three grown up kids.
Debby: I’m the last born (we all laughed)
Orire: This is sincerely good, but where have you been all these while?
We narrated to him how the story goes as all laughed along. Uncle Ben was still sleeping all these while, I felt that’s his way of overcoming shock.
I felt it was not good that none of us was checking on Uche, so I persuaded others to visit her.
Me: Guys I might be sounding weird but we need to check on Uche
Debby: You are indeed weird. No way! Police will check on her
Me: She’s going to be lonely over there, she might not have eaten self
Debby: She’ll have eaten because it’s part of her bill paid for.
Me: Yeah, but seeing people around her will lift her spirit.
Aramide: Ah ah! Will what is it now?
Temmy: I agree with Will, we should visit her.
Rachael: That’s obvious now, you don’t have to say it.
Dan: I support Will’s notion too
Sewa: Eventually you’ve joined bad gang (we all laughed)
Joy: Will’s heart is one in a million, I’ve never met his kind of heart before.
Mum: Opeyemi is right, we can’t just leave her like that. She has nobody here except us, at least she’s harmless to us now.
Joy: Will obviously got that heart from you.
We all agreed to visit Uche I’m the hospital that evening and she was sincerely happy to see us. She kept saying sorry to me asking Funmi also to forgive her. I told her she’s forgiven and ask her to be well soon. We also promised to visit her often till she’s discharged.
Victoria on the other hand has left the hospital and the town I guessed, since uncle Ben has decided to let her go. Her mission here failed so I believe she’s on a mission to cause damage somewhere else. I forgive her too because I have other better things to occupy my heart with than harboring hatred for somebody.
After leaving the hospital, we dropped off the ladies at our home and discovered uncle Ben has woken up. He was even eating the time we got there. Mum insisted they all pass the night at our house since the following day happened to be a Saturday. We don’t have many rooms I’m our house, Dan and I therefore decided to sleep over at Temmy’s side while Rachael stays with the girls at our side.
Later in the evening, we decided to watch a Friday night match in an hotel close to Temmy’s side. We met too many people at the viewing center located in the hotel’s premises so we decided to join the guts playing table tennis at the pool side. We bought some suya as Dan who is good in ping-pong joined them to play. Temmy and I started having jokes with the guys and ladies sitting next to our table. The jokes turned into a horse play as everybody started chasing each other around with empty plastic water bottles. I couldn’t join them even though I wanted to as the wheel chair I’m on restricted my movement.
The play got so thick I could not even sight Temmy for more than 10min. One of the ladies have her purse fell down by the pool side while she was chasing after someone and I felt somebody might kick it inside the pool unknowingly and that might damaged the purse contents. I wheeled closer to the purse and picked it up. As I face back to get to my initial position, one of the ladies chasing a guy pushed me and I landed in the pool with the wheel chair. The music were too loud so nobody noticed I’m already I’m the water. I went down to the bottom of the pool, separated from the wheel chair. The pool wasn’t too deep so I struggled to lift myself while seizing my breath do I’ll not inhale water instead of air. The water body helped me as I was able to stand I’m the pool on my two feet.
Yes I stood on my feet! I started walking in the pool forcing myself against the pressure of the water. I so much enjoy walking even if it’s I’m water that I remained there. Dan who had picked the wheel chair out was watching me in amazement as the attention of everybody was drawn to a guy on wheel chair walking on the pool.
After walking for a while I started getting tired that I couldn’t move again. Sam sensed it and came over to pull me out as another guy joined him to put me back on the wet wheel but I refused. I wasn’t going back on the wheel, I insisted on sitting on a plastic chair.
After regaining my strength, I tried to stand up holding the back side of the chair but almost fell down if not for Dan that was quick to get hold of me. Since I refused to use the wheel, I put my arms across both Dan and Temmy’s shoulders as they helped me to the car. I stepped along as we walk even though they’ve carried most part of my body, it was still worthy that I walked.
After getting back to Temmy’s side, he went to our place to get the crutches that was given to me by the doctor. I tried using the crutches that evening but I fell down feeling pain at the lower part of my back. I put a call through to the doctor to tell him about the development. It was then I realized my phone has been soaked while I was in the pool and won’t come up. Calling the doctor on Temmy’s line he said what I experienced is possible, that it has to do with the adrenaline that I generated during my survival attempt in the pool. He asked me to take it step by step and not to rush it. He said the pain I felt was as a result of the sudden strain that I subject the bones and the cartilages to. According to him, it has been redundant for over four months, it will definitely react to any sudden change. He advised I start moving it little by little, he said I could be using the pool since water body will form a support for my body.
We decided we’ll go to the pool the following morning so I could try again. Very early in the morning, we did went there as Temmy and Dan joined me in the pool this time. I was able to stand, walk some length I’m the pool before I came out and tried the crutches. This time I was able to use the crutches as support with negligible pain at the back.
After we were done with breakfast, Rachael called Temmy that I should come over. Apparently they’ve tried my number but wasn’t going because I’m now phone less. We went to our house and met what looks more like a crusader. The pastor was firing and hammering the prayer points while prophesying in between.
We initially joined them but I excused myself out when I started feeling stressed at the back. I saw my biological mother and her husband were the one that came with the pastor as earlier said by my biological mother. Vera and praise were also there as it was like a whole family affair. Present were all ladies including Uncle Ben, Daddy Orire and my mum. I honestly don’t know why the prayers was that much.
While sitting outside, Aramide came to me
Aramide: You did not join the prayers and you are not on wheels
Me: I was there but I got tired, the prayer is too long for me.
Aramide: Why are you not on wheels?
Me: Because I can now walk on crutches.
Aramide: Really? That’s great! Good news, let me tell Funmi.
Me: No, I’ll tell her myself. Let’s just be done with this their palava
Aramide: Do you trust the man?
Me: Not at all, I’m only trying to bank on mother’s trust for him.
Aramide: He’s been begging me like a witch since they came. He almost prostrate self.
Me: Really? What then brought about the revival prayers?
Aramide: The pastor said only prayers could heal the wounds on ground
Me: He’s right though
Vera and Praise came out of the sitting room as Praise jumped on me. They claimed the prayers were over and the discussion has started. Vera said the pastor is on a sermon she’s sure will be very long.
Me: Sermon? Are we having a service?
Aramide: You’ve obviously never been to mother’s church before (Funmi dashed out from the sitting room)
Funmi: Will, you guys need to see this!
We entered into the sitting room only to meet my biological mother kneeling in front of Uncle Ben who has his hands on his head, both of them crying.
Ben: Why did you do that to me? After all I did for you then. I left you enough money but you betrayed me.
Mother: Please forgive me, I’m rally sorry. I was young and stupid.
Ben: I’ve forgiven you, at least you have your husband here. Stand up, it’s disrespectful to your husband.
Mother: There is something you need to know before I stand. I was pregnant for you then, but I never told you.
Ben: What? And why are you telling me now?
Mother: Because these are your twins (pointing to us while crying) Aramide and Opeyemi