A time comes in our life when we realize too late that we had
for lond held on to a negative decision which eventually brought
about regret and sorrow.
Enmity, that round faced global nightmare that has caused
legions of wars, is the same the world over. In nigeria, in
africa, around the world, buh perhaps the polish of Charles
Smith five years sojourn abroad had denial him the ability to
appreciate the venom that accompanies enmity, the african
way, at home here in nigeria, not until chief Collins, the
wealthy, tought nut, rigid strick father of mine sent me an SOS
tO come home and help him salvage the family business from
their long time family enemy no.1 a wealthy predator and
strategist, Mr Patrick.
My Dad and mr Patrick should have been the closest buddies
because they hail from the same village buh greed and an
earlier land dispute had parted thier ways and created a gully
of envy, enemity and hatred. All that was needed to complete
the rage of hell that threatened to engulf these two families
was the presense of Mercy chief Patrick’s daughter who
turned out to be the prettiest woman Charles had ever met
and whose love was determined to consum, Charles , the
Smith’s and everyone else within a mile raduis. Hell hath never
known more fury than infuriated parents

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