Episode 26…
10 minutes later we are already on our way to lagos. It’s over one hour we spent in the core akure to ogun state and till we finally find out ass being trailed-off the oree, benin-lagos road. It took us another one hour and twenty minutes before we got to oshodi-mile2 road. Before we could get to badagry whispering palm resort the time is already 7:57pm. We believe we could not get any trace of her that time, but we just need to hang out the hotel to get any trace of her. But if you want to be a player, you have to learn how to play the game. In order not to be suspicious to anyone in the area, we decided to check in the hotel resort.

Me and racheal: ***inside the car in hotel parking lot***

Me: let get a room here till tomorrow to familiarize us to the are befor she can show up tomorrow.

Racheal: that is a good idea.

Me:****open car door*** give me some minutes to make enquiry of the available rooms…

Racheal: ok, I will be waiting for you right here…

Me:***come down from car and starting going inside the hotel***

I saw the receptionist sat in the corner of hotel and welcoming me…

Receptionist: welcome to our hotel sir. How may we help you sir?

Me: thanks… please, can we get a room here?

Receptionist: sure sir…***handed-over me a pamphlet of their hotel rooms and their prices***

I was going through their pamphlet and checking out the prices before I will make a choice of a room. I was also asking about little spy questions to help me out on the hotel operating. All of sudden, my phone start ringing, I deep my hand inside my pocket and pick out the phone. I saw racheal***calling***. I ignore the call, put the phone back to my pocket and continue with what I was reading. After seconds, my phone starts ringing again… as I pick the phone from my pocket and check the phone’s screen, I saw racheal calling me again. I murmured; ‘why on earth she is calling now. At first I wanted to ignore the call but, on a second thought my mind stood against abort the call, as my heart start beating fast. Concern, if something might have not happened to racheal for I remember I am at my enemies den. As I pick the phone, heart nearly erupted like a volcano;

Me:***on phone*** hello…

Racheal:****shouting*** come out right now…

Me: ***scared*** why??

Racheal: I just saw opeyemi entered a jeep now…

Me: whattt??

Me: ***dropping the pamphlet and rushing go back to outside***

Receptionist: excuse me sir…

Me: ***rushing to outside and as well answering the receptionist*** I will be back now…

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