The dragon king A story written by Ademolar Episode 50 (mark of the gods) The heat within the palace was unable to subdue the high level of the cold...
The dragon king A story written by Ademolar Episode 49 (lost in salvagers hideout ) Many strange and unfriendly eyes ran over them as they stood all besides the...
The dragon king A story written by Ademolar Episode 48 (betrayal) The cold wind rumbled with their robe as they move closer to tinuade, the fattest One among them...
The dragon king A story written by Ademolar Episode 47 (the escape) The three illars sluggishly stepped forward standing besides Lazar. “I did not fight beside you on the...
The dragon king A story written by Ademolar Episode 46 (submission) “I need you all in this, without you I won’t be able to achieve this goal, so if...
The dragon king A story written by Ademolar Episode 45 (the land of the wilds) He sat alone on his bed busy staring at something best known to him,...
The Dragon king A story written by ademolar Episode 44 (the escape) The cloud looks a bit blurry, from the palace of ayetoro down to the city...
The dragon king A story written by Ademolar Episode 43 “Is there something bothering you and you are scared of sharing it with anyone of us?” zillar voice summoned...
The dragon king A story written by Ademolar Episode 42 (the bloody message) He stood mute for a while and he ask “Any news about my mother’s well being...
The dragon king A story written by Ademolar Episode 41 (return from the underworld) Her explanation sounds cold to him, he was confused and weak.. “But why are...