# ASC_EPISODE56 . . . ‘so whats your plan?’ Dave asked. ‘i know just what to do, no need to ask’ Gilbert said with a wicked grin. ‘anyways whatever...
# ASC_EPISODE55 . . . ‘i love your bedroom, its a girl’s colour’ Tony said as he sat on the bed. ‘yeah! This was the room i used to...
# ASC_EPISODE54 . . . ‘i’m sorry dear, i have an appointment with someone already at the same time’ he replied with difficulty. In as much as he would...
# ASC_EPISODE53 . . . ‘i cant wait to see that daughter of yours!’ Stella said excitedly as she and Tony shared their midnight kisses via phone call. Tony...
ASC_EPISODE52 . . . Tony looked at the anxiety on Maria’s face, then to that of her two friends. Nneka was also there and so was Rhoda. ‘what exactly...
# ASC_EPISODE 51 . . . The girls turned around in fright. Who was that, there was no one standing by the door or no one around. ‘why?’ the...
# ASC_EPISODE50 . . . ‘what?!’ Alice asked in surprise ‘what are you doing here?’ she asked in utmost surprise. ‘hi love, surprised to see me again?’ Gilbert asked....
# ASC_EPISODE49 . . . Alice clenched her purse and turned to Amy. ‘sweetheart, lets go to Diamond castle instead. I really dont like this restaurant’ Alice said. ‘wow!...
# ASC_EPISODE48 . . . ‘so tell me about him’ Amy chided her friend. ‘tell you about who?’ Alice asked. ‘the guy who is bringing out the unhidden beauty...
h# ASC_EPISODE47 . . . Alice felt her heart beat faster as she pressed the door bell. Rhoda who was in the kitchen left what she was doing and...