# ASC_EPISODE76 . . . Alice hastened her steps as she ascended the staircase. She got to the reception seeing some group of nurses gossiping and laughing their a-s...
# ASC_EPISODE75 . . . Tony entered the house tiredly. It was a hectic day. Immediately he entered the house, he saw Maria in the sitting room looking scared...
Tony pulled up in front of Alice’s family house. ‘take good care of yourself’ Tony said. Alice looked away without saying a word. ‘come on dearie, your mum will...
# ASC_EPISODE73 . . . The spoon fell off her hand. She looked like someone seeing a ghost. Why wont she? Perhaps she was dreaming right? Because this cant...
# ASC_EPISODE72 . . . Maria woke up feeling pains on her left shoulder. Then she saw five lines on it. She screamed. How did it happen? Who did...
# ASC_EPISODE71 . . . ‘what did you say?!’ Alice asked, obviously in shock. Tony looked at her without saying anything. Alice looked away nervous. She was obviously shaking...
# ASC_EPISODE70 . . . ‘i really dont know what i did to deserve this’ Alice said. Tony sighed and rubbed his hands together. ‘dont mind Stella dear, its...
# ASC_EPISODE69 . . . ‘what!!!!!’ Alice said trying to cover herself. ‘you good for nothing daughter of a s– t, you think that i will let you snatch...
# ASC_EPISODE68 . . . Nneka opened Maria’s door, she found Maria sleeping comfortably on the bed. Nneka smiled and tip toed towards Maria. She brought out a small...
# ASC_EPISODE67 . . . ‘ah….’ Gilbert said with his mouth wide open. ‘i mean….you are back from the states? When did you come?’ Gilbert asked. ‘wow! Gilbert, i...